Limitless Line

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Limitless Lane is an infinite roguelike dungeon challenge located at Sunset Station. To access the Limitless Lane Turnip Boy must check his mailbox after completing the game for an infinite-use boarding ticket.

Limitless Line Promotional Art


The train consists of a string of cars which are traversed from left to right. Most cars house three to six enemies, which Turnip Boy must defeat to advance to the next car. Turnip Boy will face a Boss Car periodically. Blue tickets are awarded after beating a boss.

(see Blue Tickets, for more)

The order of train cars follows this pattern:

  1. assorted enemies
  2. assorted enemies
  3. assorted enemies
  4. King Pig boss
  5. trinket selection (first lap)
  6. assorted enemies
  7. assorted enemies
  8. assorted enemies
  9. Rotten Cat Apple boss
  10. trinket selection (first lap)
  11. assorted enemies
  12. assorted enemies
  13. assorted enemies
  14. Stag boss
  15. trinket selection (first lap)
  16. Conductor Onion boss
  17. trinket selection (first lap)
  18. Annie's elite explanation

After the last car in this sequence, it repeats with the first car. (effectively completing a lap of the train)

The boss Jeff has a 5% chance to spawn in any car after the first victory against Conductor Onion, only in a non boss room.


Trinket Cars always appear after a boss on the Limitless Lane is defeated. Trinket Cars offer one of three trinkets. Only one trinket may be chosen per Trinket Car.

(see Trinkets, for more)

Trinket Cars carry 0-2 characters after you complete your first lap on the train.

  • Nurse Berry may appear; speaking with her will heal Turnip Boy to full health
  • a blue box may replace the characters in the car


Elites are buffed enemies with damage and health modifiers, which begin to appear on the second lap of the train. On subsequent laps, enemies can possess multiple modifiers. Elite modifiers are applicable to all bosses with the exception of Jeff.

There four elite types are as follows:

  • Aggro Elites - faster attack speed
  • Steel-Plated Elites - greater health
  • Poison Elites - poison on damage
  • Giant Elites - greater size


  • Liz and Mayor Onion are the only bosses that do not appear aboard the Limitless Lane
  • Jeff can only be found aboard the Limitless Lane