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Annie is a female character in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion who is based off of an avocado half.


She dons an Explorer's Hat throughout the game, and she later gives one such hat to Turnip Boy. Additionally, she is characterised by her round glasses, worn avocado 'backpack', and 5 visible freckles. Due to her occupation as an explorer, and the fact that the body of the half-avocado has none of her facial elements on it, and the fact that there appear to be strap-like appendages on the sides of the body of the half that connect it to her body (the seed), it can be reasonably inferred that this is supposed to represent a backpack of sorts.


She is a fairly significant character in the game, appearing at various locations and engaging with the main plot several times, most notably in the Forgotten Forest, where she can be encountered first at the entrance of it, and, for the duration of the Goop questline, inside of the Laboratory in its centre, where she sends Turnip Boy on numerous quests, eventually resulting in the Stag encounter and the acquisition of Goop.

  • She first appears near the east end of Weapon Woods, where she guides the player to the 'planticus swordicus' (very likely another name for the Soil Sword) by informing them that it can be found north of their current location. Her dialogue does not change when reencountered in this exact location after obtaining the sword.