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Geoffrey, previously known as ??? and Jeff, is a hidden boss found aboard the Limitless Line. He will not appear until Conductor Onion has been defeated at least once.

Geoffrey appears as a light purply-gray turnip with pale yellow eyes and mouth interior. The leaves on his head are lavender.

A dark purple mist surrounds them as the radiation around Turnip Boy does.


Geoffrey has a 5% chance to appear in every non-boss room after beating Conductor Onion in loop one. Geoffrey moves quickly and uses abilities similar to Turnip Boy, attacking by either by tripping in Turnip Boy's direction or attacking with a dark version of the Soil Sword.

Defeating Geoffrey awards Blue Tickets and the achievement "???". Once defeated Jeff will not return during the same run.

Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

Geoffrey sells you the items on Greggslist and also appears in the Backrooms area in the sewers. After taking the picture in the Backrooms for Annie, Geoffrey immediately kills you. This can only be done once per playthrough. It also gives an unique post-death cutscene, with Turnip Boy having unusually lifeless and bleeding eyes.


  • Geoffrey is the only boss in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion with a weakness; it can be killed efficiently having the Lighter trinket equipped.
  • Geoffrey appears in the trailer for Turnip Boy Robs a Bank on "greggslist", which is where his name was originally revealed.
  • His name was changed on the preview images on the snoozy kazoo site.
  • the Lighter trinket depletes 1/3 of Jeff's health per tick.
  • a reversed and distorted version of the title screen melody plays during battle.
  • Geoffrey’s gender has been explicitly stated as male.
  • The red substance draining from Geoffrey’s eyes is confirmed to be blood by Yukon on the Snoozy Kazoo Discord Server.

Images of Geoffrey