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Stag is the third boss in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. He is fought at the end of Forgotten Forest and in the fourteenth room of every lap in Limitless Line.


Stag is a large mutated deer that drank irradiated water. He wears a radioactive waste barrel on his torso and another on his head with the antlers protruding out of the sides. He attacks the player with charge attacks and blobs of radioactive waste.

Boss Fight

Stag charges the player inflicting damage and moving to the other side of the map. He also spits out radioactive waste at Turnip Boy. When charging the player, Stag can end up in the radioactive water preventing the player from attacking with his sword.

Stage can be damaged with the Boomblooms or with the Soil Sword. After being defeated, he explodes, killing all bunnies that spawned in, and resulting in a Heart Fruit spawning in as well as opening the door to the bunker with Green Goop.