Rotten Cat Apple

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Rotten Cat Apple is an apple cat who belongs to Crancran and the second boss in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. It is fought at the end of Forsaken Farmhouse and in the eighth non-trinket room of every lap in Limitless Line.


Rotten Cat Apple is a giant red apple cat with buttered toast strapped to its back and a giant worm coming out of his side.

After being defeated in its boss battle, it looks similar to Crancran's other apple cats. It has two spots on its back and a closed mouth.

Boss fight

Rotten Cat Apple moves diagonally while spinning, bouncing off of the walls of the room. After a few seconds, it will stop for a moment, before coughing up a Worm. If the boss has less than half of its health left, it will summon two Worms instead. It will not summon any more Worms if there are already three of them.

It destroys Movemelons on contact and can move over and stand on Movemelon holes.

It can be damaged at any time using the Soil Sword or the Shovel as well as the two Boomblooms in its arena in Forsaken Farmhouse. The Boomblooms are surrounded by 12 Movemelon holes, so the player must water and move the Movemelons to be able to kick them. The Watering Can can reach the Boomblooms from the other side of the holes however, so they can still be watered twice to explode without the use of Movemelons.

Unlike other bosses, it doesn't die after being defeated in the main story, instead shrinking back to its original size and turning into the Lost Cat Apple item which can be delivered to Crancran.


  • The spinning attack is a reference to the buttered cat paradox, which suggests that a cat with buttered toast on its back would start spinning in the air because "cats always land on their feet" and "buttered toast always lands buttered side down".