Old Lady Lemon

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Old Lady Lemon used to be Old Man Lemon's wife. When talking to her, she recognizes the player's watering can as the one she left with her husband. She then reveals that she used to be married to Old Man Lemon, but disliked "being an accomplice to his ruthless killing" and faked her own death to leave him. She can be found in the Limitless Line in one of the carts without enemies.


Old Lady Lemon is very similar looking to Old Man Lemon. She is a yellow lemon on it's side with two stubby sticks as legs. She is wrinkly, with three prominent forehead wrinkles and one eyebags per eye, as well as one wrinkle on either side of her mouth. She has five visible age spots on top of her head, one on the left, one on the right, and three on top. She has a small gray walker, but seemingly no hands holding it, as it simply floats a bit to her left. Her eyes are closed, with three thick eyelashes per eye along with heavy light blue eyeshadow. She also has a stereotypical red lipstick mark as a mouth.


  • Old Lady Lemon: "Wait... is that..."
  • Turnip Boy: "..."
  • Old Lady Lemon: "Come closer deary, my eyes aren't what they used to be."
  • Turnip Boy: "!!!"
  • Old Lady Lemon: "Ahhh, I haven't seen that watering can in ages! It was a gift to my ex-husband."
  • Turnip Boy: "!!!"
  • Old Lady Lemon: "Old Man Lemon was the love of my life, but I was done being an accomplice to his ruthless killing. It seems you've fallen down this same path sonny..."
  • Turnip Boy: "..."
  • Old Lady Lemon: "Back in the day I was a catch! A steal! The talk of the town. I'm a free spirit sonny. I needed to break free and explore the world."
  • Turnip Boy: "!!!"
  • Old Lady Lemon: "I faked my own death and hopped on this train... I've been here ever since..."