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"Watch out for the snails! They're vegetarians!!"

Snails are a basic enemy, and the first the player will meet. They have very little health, and will die in 1 hit with a Soil Sword or any of its upgrades.


Snails move back and forth horizontally, dealing half a heart of contact damage if the player touches it. They do not track the player and move at about half of Turnip Boy's walking speed, and so are easily avoided.

In the first section of the Weapon Woods, there is a blueberry that complains about a specific snail, 'Jerry', having crashed at their place for over a week without paying rent. The blueberry claims that they don't speak much snail, which indicates that the snails are in fact sentient and able to communicate. Upon killing the snail inside the fence the blueberry is standing in front of, the player can collect the Rent Money. The blueberry expresses horror, but immediately calms down when given the rent money. They present Turnip Boy with a check for the change, which can be ripped.