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This page should be used to document the weapons in turnip boy robs a bank so please add weapons if you see some missing

Gun Description of the weapon Damage Damage with robo-roids
Gun lmao
Basic weapon shoots at a medium pace Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 3.12

Playstyle B: 2.50

Like the pistol a simple weapon but shoots pretty fast Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 1.41

Playstyle B: 1.12

Shoots 6 pellets at a medium pace Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: Each pellet does 2.34

Playstyle B: Each pellet does 1.88

Shoots really fast good for clearing low health enemies Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 1.72

Playstyle B: 1.38

Shows a laser on your screen shows where the arrow is going to go when you shoot it Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 7.81

Playstyle B: 6.25

Grenade Launcher.png
Grenade Launcher
Shoots grenades pretty fast grenades do damage on impact and explosion so does decent damage to bosses Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 7.81

Playstyle B: 6.25

Alien Gun.png
Alien Blaster
Like the Glock but better and cooler shoots at a fast pace Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 4.69

Playstyle B: 3.75

Rocket Launcher.png
Rocket Launcher
Shoots rockets at a medium pace the rockets have impact and explosion damage like the grenade launcher Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 9.38

Playstyle B: 7.50

Atom Gun.png
Atom gun (someone find out the name please i beg)
When a bullet fired hits something it will split into a circle of smaller ones dealing massive damage to hordes shoots at a medium pace Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 10.94 little ones do 1.56

Playstyle B: 8.75 little ones do 1.25

Dads Gun.png
Dads Gun
Your dads old gun shoots at a pretty fast pace good for killing bosses Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 15.62

Playstyle B: 12.50

Melee Description of the weapon Damage Damage with max whey
Soil Sword On Weapon Rack.png
Soil Sword
The starter sword not to bad but not to good at the same time.

you swing it at a medium pace

Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 6.25

Playstyle B: 5

Really fast weapon shreds through weaker enemies Put the damage for no upgrades here for both playstyle A and B Playstyle A: 1.56

Playstyle B: 1.25