Pickled Gang

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"Part of the mafia, willing to do cold blooded acts"

-Basic Info

 The Pickled Gang is a mafia group composed by 1 pickle (Don Dillitini) And 2 orange balls (Unknown names), first seen in TBCTE inside the icebox area, they reside inside a pickle jar protected by guards. Turnip boy helps them in escaping, which leads to the Pickled Gang planning and executing the botanical bank heist in TBRAB.

 * Turnip Boy (Main character) - TBCTE: Tense at first, considered that turnip boy is part of the turnipchino family (Which don has a past hatred for). Once turnip boy helps the Pickled Gang to escape the jar in the ice box, they get in good terms. TBRAB: Turnip boy got called by Dillitini to participate in the robbery of the Botanical Bank, troughout the game their relationship envolve and Dillitini says he "Considers turnip boy the son he never had".
* Don turnipchino (Tb's dad) - TBCTE: Once made part of the same mafia group, great tension was present between then. TBRAB: Dillitini seemingly gave his pardon to the turnipchino family, letting both in good terms.
* Annie (Avocado) - TBRAB: Hired by the pickled gang in TBRAB to aid them in robbing the botanical bank.

(This page is a WIP -Alvario)